Life has been amazing these past seven months. We have so much to be thankful for. Ryan is the Dairy Manager at Martins 24 in Goshen. I am a Senior at Bethel College in Mishawaka, In. We have a seven month old baby, named, Benjamin Anthony Hayse Weaver. I left my job at Martins to focus on being a mother, wife, and student. I stay pretty busy but it's so weird to not be working. I've been working since I was 14. I guess school could be considered a job though. It's ironic that I left my job when so many people were looking for jobs. Ryan is also a full time student through Liberty University (online!) This is our third year of marriage and we've both been going to school full time since we've been married. We can't wait to see where God is going to take us!
We attend New Life Positive Faith Church in Osceola, IN. We help out at the Youth Group there. I help with games on Sundays during Promise Land. Ryan and I are falling in love with Jesus all over again.
Our son is amazing. He smiles all the time! He brings such joy to both of our hearts. We never knew the feelings we could have for a son or daughter! He is a wonderful baby! We love him dearly.
We are seeking the Lord heavily right now. We've strayed away and were trying to do things our own way. We are trying to get back on track and God is slowly working on us. It's about giving Him our everything because He is our everything.
Until next time.
The Weavers